Real Time, Dynamic Chord Formula Modification

Modify a chord formula or build one from scratch! ChordAlchemy's powerful Chord Theory Engine, combined with robust Chord Diagram Generation, makes it easy!

Simply use the mouse to click a note ot interval to modify a chord formula and instantly see the results! Chord Diagrams based on the modified formula are automatically generated.

Add a sharpened 11th, flatten the 5th or click in the notes from sheet music to see how to play any combination of notes anywhere on the fingerboard!

Formula Modification can incorporate tonalEssentials intelligence letting you force notes/intervals to be in the chord (green) or make them optional (orange).

  ChordAlchemy's DynamicFormulaBar shows the notes and intervals for the current scale.
  Intervals are added or dropped from a formula with a click of the mouse.
  Chord Diagrams automatically reflect all formula changes.
  Modified formulas are automatically matched against known chord formulas with the same root. If the chord isn't found, just drag a chord diagram from the Chord Diagram Area into the Reverse Chord Lookup and click Find Chord to search for enharmonic possibilities!
  Play the formula to hear its fundamental tonal quality.